Rewards Starting to Roll Out

Early access release preparation is well underway!

Thank you everyone for responding to our backer surveys so quickly and enabling us to start getting rewards implemented!

More or less 99% of backers have now responded.

Names are being implemented, Work has begun on some of the special monster girl requests and also those eligible should now have access to our CG Archive.

Mysterious encounters...
Mysterious encounters...

Development Overdrive

We have been hard at work ahead of the early access release with such things as:

  • Rounding off story content for chapter 1
  • Refactoring and proofreading dialogues to keep things coherent
  • Implementing many skills, items and characters
  • New music from our composer

And SO much more!

We're just under two weeks away and we can confirm that the official early access release should be the 15th of March 2022. All backers and pre-orders will be given their game keys before this date in preparation.

Many interesting characters scattered around the world...
Many interesting characters scattered around the world...


We are currently investigating methods of Localisation and for the moment the highest demand is for Chinese and Japanese, these will be translated near to or slightly after release by a professional team to allow a window for any necessary text updates before committing. As translation is a very costly endeavour, we have come across "crowd translation" as a possible method for lower demand but passionate languages. If there are any interested in participating in "crowd translation" for other languages in the near future, don't hesitate to get in touch. Once the early access version of the game is finalised, we will release further information on how to take part. We would love to hear your thoughts either way.

Contributors will be rewarded for their efforts.

The special inn where you can interact with and manage your party!
The special inn where you can interact with and manage your party!

There will be more updates to come soon and we are looking forward to the day you all get to play our game!

Kind regards and signing off for now,


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